Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Selected Replicable Technology Models for Rural Application
Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles

Technology Package

Standard pan tiles are products of the MCR technology package. Pan tiles are the preferred type because of their flexibility in application, using a wider range of sub-structures. Roman pattern tiles are also developed for high quality roofs and for claddings, essential for urban markets.

  • Product Specifications

    ·         Clear length                                  480 mm

    ·         Length after overlap                       400 mm

    ·         Clear width                                   240 mm

    ·         Width after overlap                        200 mm

    ·         Thickness                                    8 mm/10 mm

    ·         Corrugation depth                          50 mm

    ·         Nominal weight                             2.25 kg/2.6 kg

    ·         Purlin spacing                               400 mm

    ·         Load bearing capacity                   80/100 kg


The main advantages of MCR tiles roofing are:

C      They can be produced locally on site wherever availability of cement can be ensured.

C      The technology is adaptable to any scale of production including 3 persons production units using one vibrating table.

C      Compared to fired-clay tiles, MCR tiles require less timber for support structure thus reducing cost of roofing system.

C      Thermal and acoustic performance is superior to that of CGI sheets and on par with cement sheets. 

C      Skills for production and installation can be easily acquired by skilled workers and masons. 

C      MCR tiles are reusable and easy to replace.

  • Equipment   The production kit includes:

    ·      Vibrating table operated by electric motor (220 v; single phase; ¼ HP; 2800 r.p.m.)

    ·         Tile moulds made of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS), mounted on wooden frames.

    ·         Complete set of accessories and quality control equipment.

The equipment can consistently produce up to 225 tiles per day with four workers.

  • Quality Control Rigorous tests are periodically carried out at the workshop for load bearing strength, water tightness, ring test, visual and dimensional check. Compulsory training for production by DA technicians at the time of installation ensures good quality of tiles. For providing high quality and consistent training, interactive CD-ROM based training package has been developed and is widely used. A set of manuals for production costing, quality control, mix design, transportation and installation of tiles is also available.

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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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