Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Technology Intervention for Mountain Eco-systems( TIME)

Vision  & Objective

  • To strengthen, catalyze and support linkages between Field Groups, S&T based NGOs, Universities and S&T Institutions involved in R&D and application of innovative solutions for development of disadvantaged and economically weaker sections in hilly and mountain areas
  • To catalyze and support research, development and adaptation of relevant and appropriate technologies for empowering and improving quality of life of Artisans, landless labour, Women, SC/ST and other disadvantaged sections of the society
  • To preserve and upgrade skills of traditional artisans as "natural carriers" of S&T knowledge /capabilities and enable their transition to S& T based production organizations
  • To develop new technology to improve and diversify the local economy, optimum utilization of local resources and to upgrade the skills and efficiency of local people
  • To motivate scientists and technologists to apply their knowledge and expertise for development and implementation of action-oriented, innovative field-based projects for technology development/ demonstration and utilization by S&T Field Groups in partnership with the target groups; and
  • Thus, to evolve and demonstrate replicable role models of S&T based development for benefit of disadvantaged sections of the mountain & hilly areas, in harmony with local perceptions.
              Use of polybed technology for vegetable cultivation in hills


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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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