Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.

This Special Component Plan Scheme aims at improving the lot of the poor sections of SC community through intervention of Science & Technology.


  • To promote research, development and adaptation of technology for improving the quality of life of the economically weaker sections of scheduled castes in urban/rural areas.

  • To encourage scientists & technologists to apply there knowledge and expertise to the needs of economically weaker scheduled caste communities, especially in rural areas.

  • To promote activities such as workshops, seminars, publications, jathas, etc. which would help in achieving the objectives listed above.

  • To replicate successful Technology models relevant to SC population.

                   Setting up Micro-enterprise in Rural areas: Skill upgradation
                             and capacity building of SC youths in coil
                                   binding & Transformer making.


  • S&T intervention for sustainable development and income generation amongst scheduled caste artisans/farmers;

  • S&T intervention for improving skills and efficiency of artisans engaged in traditional occupations;

  • Optimizing the design of cycle rickshaws to increase income, reduce drudgery and improve general health and well being, simultaneously sharpening their competence for undertaking repairs and maintenance.

  • Development of functional capability among SC/ST and other weaker sections of population for improving their socio-economic conditions and drawing them away from stigmatized occupations.




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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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