Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
S & T Application for Rural Development (STARD)

STARD aims at facilitating development of promising S & T based field groups and innovative technologies related to rural development. It also has a unique program to support selected voluntary agencies with a proven track record of innovative work in development and application of technologies for rural areas.


  • To strengthen the existing institutions, field groups, etc., involved in research, development, design, adaptation and application of innovative S&T solutions for rural development by providing long-term support for core personnel;

  • To catalyze research, development and adaptation of technology by supporting time-bound development efforts aimed at measurable milestones;

  • To motivate scientists and technologists for applying their expertise to finding solutions for problems in the rural areas; and

  • To take up all such activities which are conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

                               Solar Dryer made of bamboo
                      (Developed by ARTI under DST funding)


    The following priority areas have been identified:

    • Water Management: Exploration, harvesting and purification of water in rural areas with particular emphasis on land, water and cover management;

    • Construction: Use of local resources, upgrading local skills and techniques for constructing affordable houses conforming to a minimum acceptable comfort level inclusive of improved domestic drainage and waste disposal;

    • Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture: Effective use of inputs, integrated farming systems, post-harvest technology including low-cost storage, preservation and processing;

    • Engineering Services: Design, development and up-gradation of farm and non farm tools and machinery;

    • Rural industries: R&D projects in the area of rural process industries;

    • Establishment of Rural Technology Parks as technology resource centres for technology back-up/support system in both farm and non-farm sector;

    • Innovative project proposals related to above mentioned areas for Technological Interventions in Mountain and hilly Eco-systems                                   (TIME).




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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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