Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Selected Replicable Technology Models for Rural Application
Pyrolysis and Briquetting of Biomass


The scarcity of fuel for domestic or commercial use in rural areas has become a chronic and severe problem today. People, especially women, have to spend several hours collecting firewood from distant and, often dangerous locations. This is also causing severe depletion of forests and tree resources. To a large segment of the rural poor, fossil fuels like coal and kerosene are out of reach, apart from the fact that their reserves are fast dwindling. On the other hand, it has been estimated that in India, at least 150 million tonnes of forestry waste and 350 million tonnes of agricultural residue are available every year. A major portion of these is either not utilised or is used very inefficiently.


A few technologies are available for their efficient utilisation as fuel, prominent among these being fluidised-bed combustion, briquetting of fuel after pyrolysis and addition of binders and briquetting of forestry/agricultural waste without binders taking advantage of the lignin present. Conversion of biomass into charcoal briquettes would not only benefit users but would also generate employment in rural areas. It can also be utilised to contain invasive weeds like lantana, which have a high calorific value.

Numerous charcoal production systems and imp-roved techniques have been available or proposed for applications ranging from a very small subsistence level operation with mud beehive, drum and mould methods to very large capital intensive operations with brick beehive and retort methods. Introduction of appropriate systems must take into account a number of socio-economic and ecological factor





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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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