Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Technology Intervention for Mountain Eco-systems( TIME)
Guidelines for Submission of Action Research Project Proposals Under "Time Programme"


Please confine your proposal to a few specific aspects of the problem, which can be tackled in a reasonable period of intervention.

The following strategy may be considered:

  • Review the Socio-Economic status of the weaker sections of population (not more than 2-3 cluster of villages);
  • Identify the priorities of these people; and possible science and technology interventions.
  • Match the critical gap areas where the expertise of your group can effectively contribute to fulfilling these needs; alternatively interface with research and development institutions that can be associated as resource centre / institution.
  • From these gap areas, select one or two specific aspects, which could be tackled through the project.

While writing the proposal, Please ensure that specific S& T inputs with adequate scientific and technical details are clearly spelt out. This can include either or both of the following:

  • A well-defined partnership with scientists, architects or engineers of an academic institution, university, engineering college or a research laboratory engaged in research and developmental work of mountain and hilly relevance;
  • Study and dissemination of local innovation often based on result of experimental and field oriented activities.

Proposals with broad objectives written without specific details are not viewed favourably. Routine training/awareness/survey project proposals are not entertained.

Organisations wishing to submit innovative and challenging project proposals under the TIME programme are advised to submit only one copy of a preliminary proposal (typed on not more than 4pages of A4 size) initially giving the project concept with brief details about the problem identified, objectives, project area, possible S&T needs/intervention proposed, methodology and work plan, expertise available with the group, budgetary requirement (Manpower, consumables, travel and equipment cost etc.) and expected outcome of the project to get the views of the Department concepts, which are screened in, can then be developed as detailed project proposals in the prescribed format. Please ensure that objectives are focused and sharp rather than listing out 10-20 objectives.

Proposals copied from other sources will be summarily rejected.

All correspondence, including preliminary proposals related to TIME programme may be sent at the following address:


Science & Society Division

Department of Science & technology, Ministry of Science & technology
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016
Tele/Fax: - 011-26964793

Email:[email protected]



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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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