Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Selected Replicable Technology Models for Rural Application
Artificial Reefs/Fish Aggregating Devices for Coastal Marine Application

Technology Package

An AR/FAD installation consists of five individual units arranged in a pentagon as shown in the diagrams and sunk onto the seabed usually at depths of 20-25 m at distances of 5-10 km from the shore.

A single AR/FAD unit consists of a multi-sided hut-shaped frame made of high density Poly-Ethylene (HDPE) pipe sealed at both the ends using heat (extrusion welding) and joined together with nuts and bolts. The attracting devices comprise HDPE pipe pieces, used automobile tyres and netting material. Plastic strips of different colour are also attached for visual attraction. Anchors are attached to the corners of the AR/FADs. For further stability, several concrete hollow blocks are attached so that the device does not drift and cannot be easily shifted even by strong sea currents. Each unit has buoys tied to it with nylon ropes, to which attractants are also attached, to mark out the AR/FAD site.

[Note: The term Artificial Reef is technically the correct one for sunken devices whereas Fish Aggregation Device or FAD is used either generically for all such devices but also for describing surface-installed devices. For convenience, and because the term FAD describes the function of the device better, the composite term AR/FAD is being used here.]

System Design

AR/FAD are for use by groups of traditional sea-going fishermen who have themselves made valuable contributions to further improvements in design-development of these devices and in practices relating to their use. Since the AR/FADs would benefit all fisher-folk in a given location, it is usually taken up through involvement of the entire artisanal fishermen’s community in a village or, in some cases, in two or three neighbouring hamlets. Ideally, AR/FAD installations should be around 5-10 km apart so as to maximize their impact and benefits.

Community motivation, mobilization and participation is essential since the device is to be a shared resource with community-wide benefits, and activities towards these ends constitute a substantial part of any project taken up by local VOs, fishermen’s organizations/cooperatives, etc. Such organizations and individual fishermen are trained in installation and use of AR/FADs as also in such periodic maintenance as is required/possible. If large clusters and regions of fisher-folk communities are to be involved with likelihood of multiple AR/FAD installations, programmes for training of fishermen and other local skilled persons for assembly and fabrication of the AR/FADs can also be imparted.

Economics Rs.
Cost of one AR/FAD (5 individual units) 2,00,000
Concrete hollow blocks (100 nos.) @ Rs. 425 each 42,500
Installation 40,000
Total hardware cost 2,82,500
Helpline :
The Waves
3&4 Sambdhan Garden
Taramani Link Road, Vellacherry
Chennai 600 002

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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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